Richmond Group of Charities – The Multiple Conditions Taskforce

The Richmond Group of Charities, initiated a Taskforce on Multiple (long term) Conditions, in collaboration with the Royal College of General Practitioners, and Impact on Urban Health (formerly Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity). 

The purpose was to drive transformational change for the growing number of people living with multiple long-term conditions in England, who are not currently well-served by our disease-siloed health and care system. 

At the heart of all Taskforce projects was the voice of lived experience – what it is actually like to journey through ‘the system’ with multiple conditions and how can services shift the focus from ‘what’s the matter with you’ to ‘what matters to you?’ 

The Taskforce ran for 3 years between 2018-2021. The Richmond Group has built on the this legacy through its ongoing strategic aims to ensure the interests and experiences of people living with long term, multiple or complex health needs inform policy and practice change.

Their work demonstrates that, in general, the NHS does not yet commission or deliver the personalized preventive and health care services that patients with multiple conditions need, and its outputs should serve as valuable input to local preventive care service design.